Manage Your Cards From Your Phone.
Take care of your finances on the go with access to funds from anywhere and at anytime through your cell phone. With the Card Management feature in mobile banking, take even more control over your credit and debit cards. You can turn your card on or off, set transaction spending limits, and even adjust parental controls and monitoring. Limit the geographical range of your card and get instant alerts when the card is used. With easy accessibility from your phone or tablet, you can make changes as you see fit.
Set-Up Touch ID On Your iPhone For Quick Access.
To enable iOS Touch-ID for your banking accounts, simply follow this guide or watch this video to get started!
Our Mobile Banking Is Safe And Secure.
F&M mobile banking uses the same security standards as our personal and business online banking services. We protect your information through 128-bit SSL (Secure Socket Layer) encryption and don’t store any information on your phone. You are required to login each time you access your account information or bill-pay services through mobile banking. To ensure your safety, we recommend that you only download our mobile apps from the sources we have mentioned. We also recommend that you take every measure necessary to secure your mobile device much like you would your desktop computer.
Please note: Web access is needed to use the Mobile App. Check with your wireless carrier for any fees that may apply. Mobile banking is available to existing online banking users only. All terms applicable to online banking apply to mobile banking.